blue shallow water

Committed to earn your trust!

Davis Care is an in-home caregiver business serving the Upstate of South Carolina. We are dedicated to building trustworthy relationships within our community by offering dependable and quality care services. Our Caregivers are skilled and experienced, with some retaining degrees in nursing, CNA or EMT. All Employees are required to have background checks, clean driving records and drug testing. We value the importance of providing, you the Client, with the very best Caregivers. It's our privilege to offer quality care services for you and your loved ones.

Mission Statement

The mission for Davis Care is to create an environment that improves the quality of life for individuals and families that need long-term or short-term assistance


The vision of Davis Care is... "Where families will always have us as a resource to call upon supporting their everyday needs in times of unexpected circumstances or purposes of restoring balance to daily life ".

blue shallow water

Our Clients deserve transparency & clarity of services, you have the right to:

· Be fully informed of agency policies, services and charges for services, including eligibility for third party reimbursement and an explanation of all

  forms you are requested to sign.

· Refuse to participate in research, experimentation or educational training without punitive action being taken against you. The client understands that

  the staff has a responsibility to contact the appropriate supervisor when a refusal of services could result, or does result, in potential harm to the


· Be treated with dignity, courtesy, and respect, as well as your property being respected.

· Receive reasonable coordination and continuity of care throughout your home care service, including the right to be informed about the plan of

  service, to participate in the planning, and to be promptly and fully informed of any changes in the plan of service.

· Receive a timely response from our Agency when assistance is needed or requested and the ability to accept or decline home care services at any

  time. However, clients should be informed of the health consequences of this action.

· Receive home care services regardless of race, religion, political belief, gender, social status, sexual orientation, marital status, age or handicap.

· Receive care from sufficiently trained personnel and have the right of choice in providers.

· Receive notification of agency policy regarding withdrawal or withholding of resuscitative services/life sustaining treatment (i.e. CPR) in the event of a

  cardiac arrest or a respiratory arrest.

· Be free from verbal, mental, sexual, and physical abuse.

· Be informed of the right to access auxiliary aids and language services, and how to access these services, at no cost. Also, to have privacy during an

  interview, examination and treatment; and to refuse observation by those not directly involved in care, as well as confidentiality of all records (except

  as otherwise provided for by law or third party payer contracts) and all communications between clients and health care providers.

· Have access to all health records pertaining to you, the right to challenge and to have your records corrected for accuracy, and the right to transfer

  information from all such records.

· Express dissatisfaction and suggest changes in any services without fear of reprisal, formulate advance directives (known also as Living Wills) and be

  assured that Agency will not condition the provision of care or otherwise discriminate against you based on whether or not you have executed an

  advance directive.

· Report any complaints or grievances with respect to care that is furnished (without interference, coercion, discrimination or reprisal) to the Agency’s

  Owner at 864-710-3166. If not resolved, complaints may be confidentially reported to the Department of Health Licensing and Certification Hotline at


· Receive a written copy of these rights and responsibilities and have them explained to you.

The following responsibilities being executed by our client can make things easier by:

· Participating in the development and update of your home care plan and adhere to this care plan, including proactively informing Agency of any known

  changes/needs relative to the client.

· Giving accurate and complete health information concerning your past and present illnesses, hospitalizations, doctor’s appointments, medications,

  allergies and other pertinent items.

· Assisting in developing and maintaining a safe environment.

· Giving information regarding concerns and problems you have to an Agency administrator.

· Informing the Agency at least 24 hours in advance with any address changes or when you’ll be unable to keep a visit.

· Accepting qualified agency personnel without discrimination against race, religion, political belief, gender, social status, sexual orientation, marital

  status, or age.

· Requesting further information concerning anything you don’t understand.

Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship...

Understanding Your Rights Using Our Services

Locally Owned and Operated

Building trust within our community by providing reliable, quality and compassionate care for our clients for the Upstate of South Carolina. We are available 5 days week, Monday through Friday, 9am - 5pm by phone. 24/7 availability by email with a quick response time.

a bridge over a river
a bridge over a river
a waterfall in a forest
a waterfall in a forest
a body of water with trees on the side
a body of water with trees on the side

Upstate South Carolina